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Our Canine's Oral Health!


We sure like to spoil our pooches' fancy collars and adorable outfits endless amounts of treats and toys and if your like me our girls often get "pupachino Fridays!"

Again with a background in vet assisting and the dogs I see come through my grooming solan, dental care is often neglected. Reasons can range from owners who are not educated enough or costs of dental care through our vet offices. Regardless of the reason I hope to help shed some light on the importance of dental care for our fur-babies and offer some great ways to keep those pearly whites sparkling!

Statistically in Canada only about 8% of owners brush their dogs teeth. It is vet recommended that dogs have their teeth brushed twice per day..I will admit that although I brush my French Bulldogs teeth about once every other day which is better then most I could still improve keeping up with my fur-babies dental brushings.

It is also vet recommended that our dogs see the vet at-least once per year for a yearly over all check up and to take a look at those teeth. Often dental scaling and polishing is recommended yearly by vets to help keep tartar and plaque build up from becoming excessive and causing tooth damage, gum disease, infections and abscess.

Fact !! Dental health for our dogs is so very important as it effects they're over all health. The toxins from oral diseases can be absorbed into their bloodstream and runs through-out their body effecting the heart , kidney's and brain. Circulating bacteria can cause inflammatory condition known as Endocarditis of the heart, basically the bacteria enters the bloodstream in the heart and inflames the inner lining of the heart as well as the valves. The same bacteria can also enter the liver and kidneys and damage the tissues and cause them not to function.

Great News!! We can eliminate and/or manage our Canines dental health by doing a few simple things!

  1. Brush your dogs teeth at-least once per day (Twice is better ) with a soft bristle tooth brush and pet safe toothpaste ONLY. Using circular motion on each tooth front and back and then side to side along the gum line. I use a vet grade tooth brush and vets best enzyme tooth paste with my Frenchies.

  2. Dental Chews are great to add in to their daily routine to help remove any tartar and plaque build up we love using deer antler chews and Merric dental fresh kisses with our French bulldogs.

  3. Feeding a high qulity dry kibble opposed to wet food..Unless your pet is required to have wet food due to a medically reason such as lack of teeth or needing more hydration then kibble is far better for their teeth as it will help remove build-up opposed to wet food that will stick to their teeth.

  4. Examine your dogs mouth for dis-colouration, broken or chipped teeth, redness of the gums or sweeling and puss or foul smell these are all signs that your dog needs to be seen by a vet..Often dogs hid their pain very well but if you notice they are not eating or reluctant to chew their favourite toy these can also be signs of oral health issues and as always see your trusted vet.

  5. See your vet regularly for check-ups at-least once per year, ensure those teeth have been examined along with yearly scaling and polishing!

I look forward to seeing our canines with better oral health ' Let's brush our way to better health!

Chelsie from Bows for paws grooming

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